Sep 22, 2014

Ubuntu Gradle Update

Came across this issue when updating gradle on my Ubuntu VM. I'd run `apt-get upgrade gradle` which indicated it would upgrade to 2.1. However, a quick `gradle -v` indicated it was still on the 1.x version.

The fix for me was to remove the old file: /usr/bin/gradle and then link up the latest one:

sudo rm /usr/bin/gradle
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/gradle/2.1/bin/gradle  /usr/bin/gradle 

As always, hope this saves someone some time.

Sep 17, 2014

SSL Certifcate Fun...

Found it rather annoying to try to convert certificate files for the HealthVault platform. They expected .cer format which seemed to be of some funky variety. After digging a bit further, this is simply a self signed certificate which normally takes on a .crt file extension. Knowing this, you can simply google the best way to self sign a certificate for Microsoft, or you can use the commands below:

openssl req -new -key  server.key -out  server.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt
cp server.crt server.cer

Hope this saves someone some time!