Feb 22, 2013

Managed DNS

The idea of having this blog on Blogger with a name such as "ofieldstest" didn't sit so well with me, especially since I have a few years of my domain name paid for, sitting without a control panel, on bluehost.com. In looking around, what I found out I needed was a way to have someone else manage my DNS for me, since bluehost refuses (unless you want to pay for hosting, which I don't). Alas, there is a way to accomplish this. In essence, you'll need someone who has their own name server to host your DNS records for you.

I found the following, although there may be others. 
  • GoDaddy offers a service called Off-Site DNS, that allows you to manage DNS for a host registered with a different registrar (in my case, BlueHost). 
  • Seems NoIP will do something similar for free, although I haven't created an account and haven't confirmed this.
The only thing left now is to fix what is called a "naked domain", e.g. "http://favpix.com" (missing the "www."). I'll need to dig around some more to see how I can address this. Blogger did say "redirect all http://favpix.com/ requests to http://www.favpix.com", but as of now, that doesn't seem to be working.

In all, it took maybe an hour to track this information down including the email to BlueHost to confirm there was no way for me to manage the CNAMEs myself using their nameservers.

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